We’re often asked about the upsides and costs of maintaining a garage door regularly, and it’s a good question. How much should you spend now to save later? Does regular maintenance really improve its security and safety? What are you risking if you just wait until something goes wrong?

Sure, some things around the house can simply be left until they break and then easily replaced. Garage doors aren’t one of those things.

So, when you’re thinking about your next maintenance, consider first; it’s quick, easy, and cheap to service a well-functioning door, but then also keep in mind these five reasons.

An automatic garage door is a security feature

Which means peace of mind, safety, and protecting your valuables! But, just like a broken lock won’t do much good, a broken garage door isn’t going to keep your home safe. The way to secure your home, and maintain the integrity of your garage door is through regular maintenance. With a quick investigation by a technician once every couple of years, your garage will be safe and sound, allowing you and your family to sleep soundly.

Garage doors can last for years with a little TLC,

And a garage door that lasts is one that isn’t replaced, saving you on expensive removal and installation. But even if the years are relatively kind, and your garage door doesn’t need early replacement, regular maintenance for a low cost now will still save you over more expensive servicing when things happen later. It’s financially beneficial to keep your door in good nick.

Moving mechanical parts can be a serious hazard,

And you might not even be aware of it until something goes horribly awry! Most of the foundational, structural elements of your house are built to last, and garage doors are no exception. What does set them apart, however, is the fact that the gears, motor, chains and all of the moving pieces in an automated garage door will wear much faster than solid, stationary elements. And when these parts break, it can be dangerous for anyone near, and it won’t bode well for your bank account either.

Value, with the receipt to prove it!

As homeowners, the value of your property is a big deal. Good, regular maintenance is a plus for any part of your home, as potential buyers or even market speculators will be looking for reasons why your property is worth more or less than it was when you purchased or built it. It’s like how servicing your car makes its value hold longer. It’s not necessarily in better nick, though it likely is; the point is trust

You have proof that your garage door is looked after when you get it regularly serviced, and that looks great.

Your time and peace of mind are worth it,

And so are you. Even if all of the above wasn’t true - even if it cost you more than you would save in the long run - you deserve the peace of mind and day-to-day comfort of a fully functioning automatic garage door. You’re worth it.

So, with all of this in mind, it might just be time for your garage door to have its next service. We recommend an annual check by an expert technician, at the very least, to replace the lubrication and check the alignment, and ensure no larger issues are beginning to show. 

Remember; it’s quick, cheap & easy, if you don’t put it off and do it regularly, and we’re always just around the corner.